Friday, May 17, 2013

Ed Camp Philly

Tomorrow, I'll be headed to UPenn for #edcampphilly.  I attended last year for the first time and loved the un-conference format.  I loved everyone's ability to share.  I find that, as teachers, we learn the most when we teach others and we have the most to learn from each other.  We have invaluable experiences each day and limited time to share with each other.  Through channels like my PLN on twitter, my blog follows on Google Reader (which is going away very soon...what to do about that!?!) and other online sources, I feel pretty well "developed" but I think connecting in real time and in real physical spaces with other educators is such a valuable opportunity.'s free.  Can't beat that.  I'm excited to share more about what I learn at #edcampphilly tomorrow.  Stay tuned.

Last year, I learned about the following tech tools that I don't think I could live without a year later:
Scoop It
Smore (well, technically some of these I haven't quite used it yet..but I definitely plan to!)
We Video
Reflector App