Monday, May 2, 2016

Sharing ALL of Common Ground's Awesome Session Stuff

Here's a peek inside my brain after a conference.

Oh wait...that's every day.
And here's a peek at my lap.  Multiple devices all with way too many open tabs.  It's amazing they all held their battery for the day.

I'm going to use Hulk Notes (more on that...probably in the summer by the time I get to it) to sum up my experiences.  And links, lots and lots of links.  So that you too can have many open tabs.  You're welcome.

Collaborate, Investigate, Debate: An Elementary Research Project

Students research to debate and video record their debate.

The Pathway to Teacher Leadership

Daniel Pink Keynote

Attunement - Ability to see things from other perspectives
Buoyancy - How do you stay afloat in an ocean of rejection? *Decatastrophize rejection*
Clarity - Ability to curate info; access is no longer issue, ability to sift is
Be an ambivert.
Give people an off ramp; make tasks easy to complete.
Two types of people: those who make life harder and those who make life easier.  Be a person that makes life easier for someone else.
Not how, but why?  Give purpose.
Help people id the hidden problems.  Solve the obvious ones.

iDeal: Inspiring, Developing, Empowering, Assessing and Leading a School Wide Independent Reading Culture
Building classroom libraries, school libraries, family and community engagement, and independent reading time in the classrooms.

#sharetheawesome: PD Under the Radar

Voice and Choice: Fostering Reader Ownership

Donalyn Miller Selfie
"When a man is penalized for honesty, he learns to lie" - Criss Jami
Just because we are assigning rigorous books doesn't mean kids are reading rigorous books.
"Access to a full-time school librarian increases students' test scores, closes the achievement gap and improves writing skills." (Lance, 2012)
Literature is both a mirror and a window.  Make sure our book collection reflects that.
Express Your Shelf Bulletin Board with Shelfies
Levels are not for children, they are for books, and for teachers to match books with children; not badges for children to wear.
Self-selected reading is twice as powerful as teacher-selected reading in developing motivation and comprehension. (Guthrie and Humenick, 2004)
Book Recommendation: Choice Words by Peter H. Johnston

Cracking the Code
Unplugged Lessons
Videos for Computer Science Lessons (not part of presentation, I just found them while poking around on

Developing 1:1 School or District Level Digital Learning Plans

Growth Mindset Roundtable
More documents will be emailed to me!  But to start, I LOVE this bibliography!

Independence Hall - Building Independence Using Osmo
William Tignor and Sarah Pease of Snow Hill Elementary School presented as Osmo Ambassadors about all the possibilities in early elementary and beyond!

Digital Collaboration to Enhance Literacy

Suggested but not free: Literably; News-O-Matic
Didn't work well for me: Zing!
I organized these with ones I either already use or will plan to try in the top two rows, and others that were suggested but I'm less apt to try are on the sides and bottom.

Globally Connected: Making Two-Voice Poems and Authentic Learning Task

Supporting Formative Assessment with Technology
FAME: Formative Assessment for Maryland Educators

What's the Mood?  What's the Setting?  What's the Theme?
Create engagement and set the tone of lessons with pictures and music.  Act out actions, and discuss alternate paths of the plot.

Examples of books to use:

  • Goin' Someplace Special by Patricia McKissack
  • Firebird by Misty Copeland
  • The Magic Ring
  • The Golden Mare
  • Mufaro's Daughter
  • Patricia Polacco books

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