Monday, October 3, 2016

Pax is the book that was selected for The Global Read Aloud for grades 4 and 5.  I just finished it Friday (just in time, #GRA16 starts on Monday!).  I love that this story highlights the connections and relationships between people (Peter, his father, his grandfather, Vola, even the baseball player and bus driver) and animals (Pax, Gray, Bristle, and Runt) and their interactions with each other.  The story felt like it could take place in any number of settings and a country was never defined and either at a time in the past or even in the future.  Though references to trench warfare made me think past, but who knows what our future will bring.  The impact of war on the environment and its inhabitants other than humans and our collective conscience in the actions taken during war and how we forgive ourselves for what has been done (both by Peter; his father; and Vola) is very deep.  Pax offers opportunities for group discussion and self reflection alike and I can't wait to hear how it is received by our 4th and 5th grade students and their teachers.

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