Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Higher Power of Hard Pan

While reading Susan Patron and Matt Phelan's "The Higher Power of Lucky", I came upon a phrase I wanted to capture. Too long for one tweet.

"The sky arched up forever, nothing but a sheet of blue, hiding zillions of stars and planets and galaxies that were up there all the time, even when you couldn't see them. It was kind of peaceful and so gigantic it made your brain feel rested. It made you feel like you could become anything you wanted, like you were filled up with nothing but hope."

Makes you want to visit Hard Pan. Pop. 43.

Our Teacher Nook Book Club is reading "The Higher Power of Lucky" and we will be skyping with illustrator, Matt Phelan, who is also the author an illustrator of PA Young Readers Choice nominee, "Around the World."

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