Saturday, November 10, 2012

Georgia In Hawaii

Georgia in Hawaii: When Georgia O'Keefe Painted What She Pleased written by Amy Novesky and illustrated by Yuyi Morales is a breath of fresh air with a gorgeous color palette inspired by the art of Georgia O'Keefe.  This particular story follows her journey to Hawaii to paint, as she was asked by the Hawaiian Pineapple Company, a pineapple.  The first information that really piqued my interest was the  company's refusal to allow Georgia to live near the fields as the other workers did, to observe the plant in its setting, instead of plucked.  What were they trying to hide?  Were they concerned that she might paint a less becoming scene?  She was hired as an artist for the company, but she was still an artist and refused to paint what was dictated to her.  Instead, she found plenty of inspiration in the lush Hawaiian landscape.  The fact that, in the end, Georgia gave into the company makes me sad, as a reader, and as a defiant spirit.  Yuyi Morales does a beautiful job of capturing Georgia O'Keefe's well known flowers, and specifically the flowers native to Hawaii.  Amy Novesky captures a story in a way students can understand and gives a glimpse into Georgia O'Keefe's story, leaving readers wanting even more.

Here is Georgia O'Keefe's Pineapple Bud painting as commissioned by the Hawaiian Pineapple Company

Georgia In Hawaii: When Georgia O'Keefe Painted What She Pleased
ISBN: 978-0-15-205420-5
Published 2012 by Harcourt Children's Books
I read and reviewed this copy discreetly in my local Barnes and Noble.

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